Last Updated on September 13, 2023 by

A hypothesis predicts the relationship between independent and dependent variables. A high-quality hypothesis is the one that identifies this relationship in a clear and concise manner. It is important to construct a hypothesis because it supports your entire thesis research.

Variables In A Hypothesis

Depending on the type of hypothesis you are going for, the amount variables can increase or decrease but every hypothesis should atleast have an independent and a dependent variable.

Independent Variable:

An independent variable is an aspect that you can change changes or control.

Dependent Variable:

A dependent variable is the aspect of a hypothesis that you observe and measure.

For Example, daily almond consumption(independent variable) enhances your memory (dependent variable).

Characteristics Of A High-Quality Hypothesis

To construct a high-quality dissertation hypothesis you need to get familiar with its characteristics. A high-quality hypothesis involves more of your effort rather than an estimate. To be more specific, your hypothesis should start with a question that will be later explored further through your background research.

In order to construct a high-quality hypothesis lookout for the following factors:

  • The language you use is clear and focused.
  • The relationship between your hypothesis and research topic.
  • How is your hypothesis testable?
  • The possible explanations that you will discuss.
  • Discussion of the independent and dependent variables.
  • No breaching of ethical guidelines when you are manipulating the independent variable.

These factors Will help you set a foundation for your hypothesis. Furthermore, considering these factors will also help you in identifying the weakness of your hypothesis.

How To Write A High-Quality Hypothesis – Step By Step

Step#1 – Construct a Question:

To initiate writing a hypothesis, you first need to construct a research question. Respecting the boundaries of your topic you have to make your question specific, focused, and researchable.

Use terms like who what, why, when, how, do, where to start your research question.

For example, Do people who eat nuts daily have enhanced memory?

Step#2 – Start Researching:

When you start researching literature to formulate your hypothesis, center it on what is already well-known data regarding your topic. Searching for literary reviews and theories related to your topic will help you form educated assumptions about what your research will find.

You should research the question from all points of view. Do not get confused if you find opposing perspectives – rather, use all the opposing arguments to enhance your understanding of the topic. The clearer your understanding, the better will be your ability to come with the correct hypotheses. 

Step#3 – Construct A Hypothesis:

Once you are done with your research, creating a hypothesis gets easier as now you have some idea about your findings.

Now you can write your hypothesis clearly and concisely basing it upon your understanding of the topic.

For example, Consumption of nuts leads to enhanced memory.

Step#4  – Refine Your Hypothesis:

A high-quality hypothesis needs to be specific and testable. You can structure your hypothesis in various ways but what stays the same is the clarity of the terms that you will use in it.

Important components of Hypothesis

  • Relevant variables
  • A particular group that you are studying.
  • The predicted outcome of your analysis or experiment.

Step#5 – Phrasing Your Hypothesis:

There are three different ways in which you can phrase your hypothesis. There are three different ways in which you can phrase your hypothesis. Based on the nature of your initial research question and how you plan to investigate it, select a method that suits you best.


In academic research, you have to phrase your hypothesis in terms of correlation or effects. Your variables can have a negative or positive co-relational relationship. Using this method, you directly state the anticipated relationship between the variables.

For example, the number of nuts consumed by students will have a positive effect on their memory.


If you want to identify the variables use this method to write a simple hypothesis in the “if…then” form. The first part of this hypothesis will state the independent variable and the second part will state the dependent variable.

For example, Students who consume nuts on daily basis will have enhanced memory.


If you are studying two groups and comparing their progress then your hypothesis will state the difference between them.

For example, students who eat nuts daily will have more enhanced memory than those who do not.

The method you use will then help you conduct entire scientific research for your dissertation. Therefore, make this decision carefully. For instance, if you are a master’s student and want to write a hypothesis it is preferable that you choose the first method but if by any means you are not sure of it then consult master thesis services or a professional nearby for Dissertation Help.

Step#6 – Constructing A Null Hypothesis:

When your research involves statistical hypothesis testing, you will also have to write a null hypothesis. According to a null hypothesis, there is no relationship between the variables and it is often denoted asH0

For example, Students who consume nuts will not have enhanced memory.


These are the steps you need to follow to write a high-quality hypothesis. Writing a good hypothesis will enhance your research by setting it in the right direction. This positively impacts your dissertation and will get you a good grade.