Future of Dubai Real Estate Financing Will Be Powered by Gold

Dubai Real Estate Financing

Last Updated on July 6, 2023 by

Dubai Real Estate Financing Will Be Powered by Gold

The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran has recently promoted the text of a new book, “Diary of a Dinar Guru,” on its website. It is written by Behrouz Mehdi, who holds a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto focusing on the role of a darbar (money lender). Dr. Mehdi has also spent many years working as an economic advisor to the IRIA. In short, he knows his stuff.

Also read about dinar chronicles.

Dinar Intel‘s Magellan Show has become the one-stop location for the most up-to-date Iraqi Dinar-related news, and worldwide political issues and events! The website has a completely revamped site which is now packed full of fresh content and news from some of the most high-level governments in Iraq. This website has now become a popular tool for those in government, media, and journalism to give their views on current events in the region.

However, we do not support this new development as something that indicates the current trend of thinking in the establishment of financial transactions within the Islamic Republic of Iran. Although it is written by an expert, it is clearly not written by someone who understands the current affairs of the country and what is going on with the currency exchange markets there. We believe that, given the knowledge of the person writing the review, this particular book is being promoted for the purpose of promoting his own monetary interests and that of the central bank of the country which does not want to see the value of the dinar guru notes diminished any time soon. Of course, given the poor economy of the country is suffering at the moment, promotion of any outside individual or company’s ideas is simply to protect the status quo and ensure that the government continues to rake in the money.

Read about dinar detectives.

What is unfortunate is that, due to the lack of focus and analysis, the authors of the new book act more as cheerleaders for the system than as critics. They do not offer any meaningful criticism or ideas on how to improve upon the current system. Instead, their recommendations are more along the lines of things that could be considered common sense, but have not been brought to the attention of the Dubai authorities. For example, they recommend that investors in Dubai buy properties within the emirate and then rent them out or sell them.

Read more about dinar recaps.

The newshound guru also recommends that you invest in commodities and other goods that will increase in value. Given the current problems that the currency market is facing and the collapse of many a good trader’s jobs in this country, it would seem like a logical step that the newshound guru recommends investing in precious metals like gold and silver. However, when looking at the price that these items are trading for, it is very hard to imagine that they will be appreciating in value anytime in the near future. After all, the central bank of the United States has printed an enormous amount of money to pump into the economy and yet, no matter how much the Federal Reserve buys, the price of everything continues to remain largely the same.

On the contrary, if you take a look at the price that the Dubaiis have paid for gold over time, you will notice that it has increased by well over a thousand percent over that period of time. Given that the Newshound Guru recommends buying and selling commodities, the recommendations of the Dubai Investment Authority’s newshound guru are quite sound. Indeed, it would seem like a perfect match that would make perfect sense if one were to purchase gold bullion and then use it to purchase Precious metals that are presently going under such a massive bear market. That’s exactly what the Dubai Investment Authority’s newshound guru has recommended and it is an investment that is going to see incredible appreciation in the future.

Also read more about dinar intel.

Of course, as the United States Dollar weakens against all major currencies worldwide, the value of the Dubai Money Supply is expected to tumble by even more. Given that Dubai is already seeing a large increase in its population due to the influx of young people from western and North America, the demand for jobs in the city is certainly going to increase as the Baby Boomers begin to retire and cash in on their life savings. And when the Dubai Money Supply begins to increase by even more, the value of the Dubai real estate market will skyrocket. As things stand now, the Dubai Investment Authority is probably right in predicting that the future of Dubai real estate will be powered by Gold.

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