How to Care for Your Flat Roof in Spring

How to Care for Your Flat Roof in Spring

Last Updated on March 21, 2024 by Saira Farman

Flat roofs have become an incredibly stylish trend in the last few years. Their benefits are numerous: they are energy efficient and economical. They provide a modern, clean aesthetic. They are also easier to maintain.

However, in addition to their unique benefits, they also require special maintenance. While easier to maintain than sloped roofs, they do require more frequent maintenance. It’s always important to keep your home’s roof in good condition, and flat roofs need a little extra love and attention to be kept up.

After everything that winter throws at our homes and roofs, it’s essential to take the time in spring to make sure our roofs are in good condition and ready for the spring and summer ahead. Spring has excellent weather for cleaning and maintaining your roof, and after the cycles of snowfall, freezing and thawing, and branches and trees falling, it’s important to do some work to make sure your roof isn’t damaged from winter and is cleaned and in good shape to make it through spring.

You can take this work on yourself or enlist the help of flat roof repair experts for your roofing service and maintenance. Here are some tasks everyone with a flat roof should take care of.

Get Rid of Debrid

Winter weather blows leaves, twigs and all sorts of things onto our roofs. This collects and builds up and causes damage if left unattended. With all the melting snow and ice as the winter turns to spring, this debris can cause blockages, and before you know it, you’ve got drainage problems. Take the time to remove all the garbage and debris and keep your roof clear.

Outlet Care

Flat roofs have a bit of a misleading name. They are not entirely flat but slightly sloped to allow for water to make its way to drainage outlets. This is why it is imperative that these outlets remain free and clear from obstruction.

If they are blocked or clogged, water can end up pooling on your roof, threatening its structural integrity and potentially making its way into the roofing membrane, insulation or your ceiling.

Regular cleaning is vital with flat roofs. They absolutely need to be swept during spring due to the melting snow and heavy rains that bring debris and dirt that clog the outlets. This cleaning needs to be kept up periodically throughout the summer and fall as well.

Look for Weak Points

The roofing membrane is made up of sealed layers to create a watertight barrier. It’s necessary to make sure there are no rips, tears or punctures that will damage the integrity of the membrane and let water get through. If it does, it could cause all sorts of significant water damage later on, something that’s best avoided.

As the last remains of winter melt away and the sun starts shining brighter, make sure you check your roof’s condition and ensure it’s in great shape for the spring season ahead.

Read More: Roof Maintenance Tips: How To Prepare Your Roof For Winter