How to Re-Think Your Learning Strategy in Preparing for Class 12 Maths?

How to Re-Think Your Learning Strategy in Preparing for Class 12 Maths?
How to Re-Think Your Learning Strategy in Preparing for Class 12 Maths

Last Updated on January 30, 2022 by

The class 12 CBSE board examinations are just about to come. There’s a lot of uncertainty about end moment preparation tips, Learning Strategy specifically for some subjects like Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics, where the question paper is designed to measure a student’s critical reasoning and conceptual capacity. 

The stress to perform well in the Mathematics exam, combined with a massive queue of formulae and a lengthy syllabus generally focused on a logical structure, makes maths one of the main dreaded subjects in students’ opinions. The preparations of Learning Strategy for maths exams may become easy with the class 12 maths RD Sharma solutions textbook in this pandemic situation. 

Right now, the only possible way to connect with your teachers is via an online class. But mathematics being a complex subject, online classes are not that helpful for the students. Clearing concepts and doubts become way too easy with the book RD Sharma class 12 solutions. So apart from online learning, students must follow the RD Sharma book for scoring good results. 

Tips to ace maths in CBSE Class 12th

Before jumping to the tips directly, the first thing which every student should need to know is the contents and weightage of the maths syllabus. 

Unit NameMarks
1. Relations and Functions8
2. Calculus35
3. Algebra10
4. Linear Programming05
5. Vectors and Three-Dimensional Geometry14
6. Probability08

Candidates preparing of Learning Strategy for the CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Board Examination should prioritize (easy and quick) parts with the highest weightage in the board exam. This will help raise their confidence and serve as a basis for them to move towards more challenging topics.

Tip 1 – Put an end to memorization! 

It’s all about mastering mathematics concepts, and with online learning at its peak, it’s easier than ever. As a result, cramming would not be of any use on the day of the test. Start to grasp the concepts of the formulas; they are typically all built on a single logical structure. Once you grasp that, you will be able to avoid memorizing numerous formulas.

Tip 2 – Self-assessment 

Begin by accepting your vulnerabilities and grey areas as a first step toward becoming less nervous. Rather than making yourself feel guilty about it, commit more effort to develop them. More important than any planning is sustaining a calm state of mind.

Tip 3 – Concentrate and refuse to be distracted. 

You should isolate yourself from sources of disruptions such as smartphones, social networking sites, and so on while practicing math or learning any subjects. You should watch only if it adds value to your studies, such as an education video from YouTube. But keep in mind to have a specific time set aside for it. It would be much easier for you to focus on your studies if you avoid distractions. You should maintain as much concentration as possible. As a result, you can quickly eliminate the source of disturbances.

Tip 4 – Stay Safe by Eating Hygienic Food 

You should consume hygienic food and quit eating fast food. Since a balanced body and brain are essential for success in any endeavor, whether it’s exam preparation or tournament execution. You must eat well and get enough sleep. A good amount of sleep also boosts your brainpower which will also help you during the study. Otherwise, you risk becoming ill either before or during the main examination. 

These were some tips which will help you in scoring good results apart from practicing mathematics for examination. 

What should be the learning Strategy in preparing for Class 12th CBSE? 

Start practicing with model papers and papers from last year:

Examiners execute a trend of repetition for particular critical topics over a couple of years, and that is why going over previous years’ question papers is so valuable. Make a point of solving the last year’s documents while using a stopwatch; this will help you develop your speed, intelligence, and time management strategies. You should try to answer as many problems as possible. In this way, you will not experience any anxiety when attempting to solve the Class 12th Board Examination exam papers. As a result, you will increase your self-assurance.

Focus on your NCERT first:

It is valuable to finish your NCERT book to do better in mathematics on a CBSE examination. Almost the entire paper is based on topics from your NCERT textbook. 

Move on to a guidebook only after you have completed all of the questions in the NCERT book, plus know each problem (both answered and unsolved) by heart.

Prepare and strategize:

The most dreaded part of a paper is the long-form problems (5-6 marks), which typically come from one of the below sections : 

  1. Calculus is a 44 percent weighted topic that can be highly complex.  
  2. Differential Equations, collection of complicated questions centered on applications. 
  3. The second highest weightage is 17 percent for vectors as well as 3D geometry. 

The topics listed above are practice-based, and the easiest way to progress at them is to practice and focus on solving multiple problems. After that, 

  1. Algebra, Relations, and Functions and Probability each have a 10 percent, 10 percent, and 13 % weighting, respectively. 
  2. 6 % linear programming.

These concepts don’t necessitate any extra practice beyond what you’ve already done in your NCERT textbooks.

Things to keep in mind. 

  • Use the first fifteen minutes of the exam to read the paper before beginning the examination. 
  • Stick to a pattern. For instance, if you start with lengthy questions, finish that segment first and then go to the short or concise section.
  • Missed steps result in a deduction of points. So, don’t forget to jot down all of the steps.


Q. How can I complete a lengthy paper in time? 

>> The reading period is the most important and should be used wisely. This entails carefully reading the paper. If you’re stuck on a topic, give yourself some time and keep going. You can come back to it later with a new mindset. Always leave fifteen minutes at the end of the exam to revise and correct your answers.

Read more: Class 6 Maths Exam: How To Utilize Ncert Books For Your Exam?