Jonah Engler’s Guide for Single Parents: How to Lead a Happy Life with Your Kids

Jonah Engler’s Guide for Single Parents: How to Lead a Happy Life with Your Kids

Last Updated on October 15, 2022 by

The loss of a  partner, be it through death, divorce, or separation, is very painful, but it gets even more challenging when there are children in the equation. Raising a child is a tough job that gets tougher when you have to do it alone without the support of a partner. And this is why most single parents struggle with forming a bond with their children when they are raising them alone. 

Raising children alone as a single parent comes with many responsibilities and hurdles. From trying to manage time and chores, to being emotionally available all the time, it doesn’t only take a toll on the parent but also on the children. And when parents are too engrossed in fulfilling their responsibilities, they fail to realize that they first need to build a happy house for their children above all the work.

Therefore, Jonah Engler decided to compile this guide for single parents, so they lead a happy life with their kids. If you are a single parent, this is a must-read for you!

3 Tips by Jonah Engler for Single Parents 

Let Your Kids Know Life Goes On

Losing a partner is very painful, but losing a parent can be even more traumatizing for a child. Kids often find it very hard to move on from the loss of a parent. Even in divorce and separation, kids find it hard to cope with life without the presence of both parents together.

However, it is your job as a parent to be there for them at every step of their day. The best thing to do would be to reassure your kids that life goes on, and even though the loss of a parent is huge, it is not the end of their life. Always remember a small reminder every day will help heal their wounds faster. 

Make them Feel Heard

.As a pair, you can easily divide tasks and give attention to your children between the two – however, as a single parent, this becomes tough because now your child always relies on you. We know being available for your child all the time is not physically and mentally possible, but you can try your best. 

In this case, you must remember that quality matters more than quantity. Even if you can spend hours with your child – the time you spend with them should be of quality. Never make them feel ignored or neglected; hear them out whenever you get the chance. 

Prioritize Yourself As Well

As a single parent, you must know that you play a significant role in your child’s life, so your health and care matters just as much. Parents, especially single parents, neglect themselves while raising their children. They ignore their health, careers, and things they like – which is unhealthy for you and negatively impacts your child. 

While you might think ignoring your child for your kids is the best you are doing for them, trust us when we tell you this is not what they need. When parents ignore themselves only to raise their children, they eventually become frustrated with their kids, and you don’t want that. Moreover, if you won’t take care of yourself well, you won’t be able to take care of your kids. Hence, to lead a happy, you must prioritize yourself as well. 


Raising children alone is a tough job, and Jonah Engler has always valued the amount of work parents put in to make sure their kids lead a happy life. But sometimes, with the pressure of responsibilities and work, parents struggle to form a good bond with their children. Therefore, we believe these tips will be helpful for you! 

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