Preparing for a New Sports Season: How to Improve Your Win Rate


Last Updated on January 21, 2024 by Umer Malik

Sports continue to evolve, and we enjoy new seasons every year. As a bettor, you have to be prepared for what is to come whenever the new season is about to start. In that case, you should be sure of what you want to bet on and what teams you should focus on whenever you want to start betting.

You can go with the Point Spread bet or other betting options. Therefore, if you want to increase your betting experience, you have to start preparing before the new season. Also, it is better if you have a solid plan for the season to ensure that you don’t bet more than you can afford to lose. 

Therefore, we’ve put together this guide to help you prepare for a new sports season to help you avoid losing your money throughout the new season. You just have to follow our tips to help you get the best outcome for your betting journey. 

Get to Know the Teams

With the new season starting, you should ensure that you know the different teams participating in the competition. As a result, you’ll get enough information that you need to know what teams have the best chances of winning most of the games throughout the regular season. 

You can always check to see the teams’ squads and how they’ve gone ahead to strengthen their sides. That will give you a good view of what will come whenever they are set to play. 

In some cases, new players try to impress the managers. Therefore, they put in more work in the first weeks of games. 

For instance, if you’re betting on the new soccer league, you should ensure that you know the teams with the best players going into the new season. You can look at the players’ updates and how they fare throughout the preseason games. That way, you know how the teams are likely to set up. 

Bet on the First Games and Back the Favorites

The first game of the season is usually the easiest to predict, and you can see that the teams are usually looking to start on the right foot. Therefore, they put more effort into the game. 

Therefore, you should back the favorites going into the new games. You can determine this by looking at the odds given to the teams.

However, you should be careful with this because it can be misleading since some teams have a better record in the league before the new season, but they are not in good form. This is why checking the updates and preseason stats is essential to know how the teams are currently faring in the league. That way, you can spot which favorites might not perform up to par, and you can avoid them. 

Use Previous Season Stats

The stats in the previous season can also give you a good view of how the teams are performing and how they would likely fare during the new season. You can also confirm if the team has any loopholes and if they’ve covered those issues by getting new players into the team. 

If you can see that they’ve done that, you can continue to back them throughout the season. It would help you know what team is doing their best to challenge for the title and if they would go for some games unbeaten, giving you a pathway to multiple wins at the start of the season and increasing your win rate. 

Follow the Games

Each season has many games that the teams play. We understand that it is not possible to follow every one of them. 

However, you can choose the teams you want to follow without watching every single match in the season. You just have to be sure that you know the schedule of the teams and when they play.

You can also watch other teams play to see how they are going to set up against the teams you plan to back throughout the season. For instance, if there is an opponent they are set to face next and you don’t know how good they are, you can watch them play against other tough opponents to see their playing style and how it can work against the teams you back.  

Have a Betting Plan

You should have a betting plan to help you throughout the entire season. It will help you have a target and a way to measure if you’re winning more than you lose. You can start with a money budget plan with an amount you want to bet throughout the season and then stick to it.

Aside from that, you need a strong betting plan that helps you determine what teams to bet on whenever you want to play. You should not go beyond the teams to avoid destroying the betting plans.   

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about How to Save Money on Your Next Business Event then visit our Sports category.