7 reasons why you should buy an electric scooter instead of a car

7 reasons why you should buy an electric scooter instead of a car

Last Updated on February 13, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

Which is better: an electric scooter vs. a car? It’s a common question that many people worldwide might be asking, but it’s worth talking about. A great benefit of the electric scooter is its energy-efficient nature and speed! That said, if you’ll pardon our pun, it still faces some bumps in the road.


A primary reason that more people are riding electric scooters over cars is their zero emissions. In the past decade, more people have become conscious of the need to be more eco-friendly and have started living sustainable lifestyles. Personal electric micro-mobility devices (PEMDs), like e-scooters and e-bikes, offer carbon-emission-free rides, becoming mountingly more popular.

Short and sweet

Most commutes are short and only take a few minutes. And while it’s convenient to get around in your car, having to park at the end of the commute is far from ideal. That said, lightweight and portable electric scooters are highly effective because they reduce parking problems and get you where you need to go quickly and efficiently. Electronic scooters also eliminate short-distance travel problems by providing a portable way to travel effectively throughout your day.


Electric scooters have few parts and a minimal amount of complexity compared to cars, so you can avoid taking them in for expensive maintenance checks every few months. Furthermore, electric scooters rarely break down unless you push them further than they were made to go. As long as you’re using it safely, cleaning it, and storing it correctly, you don’t have to worry about its well-being.

Dirt cheap

Electric scooter sharing platforms and private electric scooters provide an affordable solution for commuting. Commuters who choose to use e-scooters as a mode of transportation can save on the cost of owning a car, which is considerable these days.


There are several pros and cons to using or owning an electric scooter in a city. One significant advantage to using them is their space-saving benefit. Good thing scooters make it easy for riders to store them in small spaces, which is a lifesaver if you live in a big city that houses more cars than people! There’s no need for parking which can make the streets less congested.


Riding an electric scooter is better than sitting in a car, especially if you get stuck in traffic. Although it’s only an assistive device, riders must still burn calories by other means. But it will give you low-impact activity that is enough to gain extra health benefits.


Finally, electric scooters provide you with more fun and adventure for commuters. Many riders enjoy the feeling of wind on their faces and the thrill from its speed. As such, e-scooters remind you what it’s like to have fun, just like when you were still a kid – riding around with some friends will surely put a smile on your face!

Read More: Electric Scooter Buying Guide – How to Buy a Best Scooter