The Highest Grossing Movies of The ’80s

The Highest Grossing Movies of The '80s

Last Updated on March 20, 2024 by Saira Farman

The trend was strong for the creation of larger blockbuster films in 80s, which benefited more in their early weeks than any previous film, due in part to the release of the stage where the audience had little choice. Movies from the 80’s cover a wide range of genres, with hybrids crossing between multiple genres.

Indiana Jones And The Last Religious War

If the second installment in the Indiana Jones trilogy has increased significantly, it is only fitting that the third installment has managed to overtake you. Fans had been waiting for about a decade when 1989 started and Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade entered the theater.

In this case, Indy was joined by his father (Sean Connery) as they tried to get the Holy Grail before the Nazis could. Highly anticipated and regarded as the only franchise at the time, it rose to $ 474.1 million and received significant accolades, undoubtedly the best of the three films.

Return of the Jedi

There was almost no way that the Jedi Recovery would not take the crown of the 1983 box office. The film was designed to be the culmination of a very popular Hollywood trilogy up to that point, with the first two installments and not just one. they are considered old but become their biggest blockbusters.

It did not do as well as other inputs but the Jedi Return is still able to pull in $ 475.1 million. It is often regarded as the worst of the first trilogy but was still a commercial and critical success, encapsulating a personal story between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, while adding to the love story between Leia Organa and Han Solo, all over the best. action and special effects.

The Inquisition of the Lost Ark

It all had to start somewhere with the impressive Indiana Jones trilogy and that went back to 1981. The world was introduced to the famous character Harrison Ford in Raiders of the Lost Ark as he was hired by the government to get the Ark of the Covenant before Adolf. Hitler and the Nazis.

Although it was only the beginning of the franchise, the Raiders of the Lost Ark initially strengthened by a total of $ 389.9 million. That success was historic because without it, one of the greatest actors in cinema history would not have been given another chance to tell his story.

After Tomorrow

Along with similar lines with Raiders of the Lost Ark, another great series managed to win a box office in its first year. That happened in 1985 when Back to the Future first appeared and captivated the audience with its wonderful combination of humor, action, and sci-fi antics.

Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) and Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) became famous actors soon, the film made $ 381.9 million. The audience fell in love as the two traveled decades ago, almost every act ruining their future.

The Empire Going Back

Following the dramatic release of Star Wars in 1977, news that the sequel was imminent made the audience spit. In 1980, they got their expectations as The Empire Strikes Back arrived and was watched by millions on their way to the $ 538.3 million box office.

It took what worked in the first film and expanded into it, introducing new unforgettable actors like Yoda and Lando Calrissian while also immersing us in the doctrine and bringing the twist of the jaw-dropping structure. To this day, many Star Wars fans still regard this as a high-profile franchise.

Read More: Lost Ark: Which Class to Start With