8 Tips for Wearing Your Human Hair Wig Every Day

Hair Wig

Last Updated on January 21, 2024 by Umer Malik

It is okay to wear a wig every day if you take proper care of your scalp and the wig itself. There are several reasons for this decision. You may want to conceal your hair problems, or you may prefer to switch up your style to enjoy the variety of looks. Anyway, for daily use, you’d better choose a quality human hair wig. It is more expensive than a synthetic one, but it looks and feels much better.

So, if you want to wear a wig with comfort and without any harm to your health and the quality of your own hair, please consider the following recommendations.

Do not forget to buy a quality wig cap in the size matching you

If you are an experienced wig wearer, you know that you need a cap liner that is worn under a wig. It is always made of a soft and light material that is easily washed. It keeps your own hair in the proper condition and prevents it from tangling. It lets you feel comfortable as long as a wig is adjusted to your head securely. It should be chosen carefully in accordance with the size that fits you. The cap should not be too tight or loose. We recommend you measure your head to make the right choice when buying this item.

Cap liners will also prolong the lifespan of your wig. This additional layer between your scalp and a wig base allows you to prevent a wig from absorbing oil and sweat from your head. Thus, you can strike the right balance between the maintenance that is needed to keep your wig clean and its look, which can be spoiled with intensive washing, deformation, and hair damage.

You should have several wigs if you live a dynamic lifestyle

If you want to wear them every day, it is better to buy several types of wigs for various purposes. Your daily routine can be so diverse that a single accessory is not able to go with the occasion. If you are involved in physical activities like a regular workout in the gym, you should change a wig more often to wash it. Spending a lot of time outside under severe weather conditions makes your wig get wet and dirty. Again, this is a reason for washing it frequently.

All the factors mentioned above reduce the lifespan of a wig, but you cannot refuse to clean it. Otherwise, it will lose its freshness and natural look. So, you have to purchase several wigs for various activities if you want to wear them all day long. They can be styled in the same way or you can choose a particular hairdo and/or color for every occasion. However, it depends on your preferences. Maybe having differently colored hair on different days is too much for you.

Maintain your wigs properly

As we have mentioned, if you wear a wig every day, you should take care of its proper condition. Use special shampoos and conditioners to wash it. Do not use hot water and refuse rough rubbing if you do not want to damage the hair. Rinse it thoroughly with warm running water and tap it with a soft towel. Then, you are recommended to put a clean and wet wig on a special stand, comb it carefully, and dry it with a hairdryer, choosing a low-temperature mode.

Remember that you should not use a brush to style your wig as it is too aggressive for it. Only combs can be used. Apply the hairstyle products to make the result last. Leave a ready wig on the stand and let it have a rest until you put it on again.

It is important to keep styling tools perfectly clean. We are speaking about combs, hot styling tools, and accessories. By doing that, you prevent the dirt and residuals of hair care products from getting on the hair.

Think of the proper storage

If you change the wigs every season, you can arrange for their continuous storage. Take a wig package or find a box of the corresponding size. Fold a clean and completely dry wig from one ear to the other and put it inside a package or a box. Take it away in a cool, dark place. Such an approach allows a wig to keep its initial quality for quite a long time.

If you want to store an accessory for a couple of days or weeks, you can use a stand or wig head. You’d better choose the one made from metal with a smooth surface so that there is no friction when you put a wig on and pull it off. For instance, a head made from Styrofoam may damage a cap and change its shape.

You’d better refuse to sleep in a wig

There are circumstances when you have to sleep in a wig. It is allowed, but don’t do it by force of habit. When you sleep, you cause significant damage to a wig because it contacts a pillow, and by moving your head, you rub a wig and a pillow together. The friction leads to tangles and knots. You’ll have to spend a lot of time and effort styling your wig in the morning. Frequent and vigorous combing will shorten the life of the wig. Also, your scalp will feel better if you provide it with some rest and allow it to breathe at night. 

Choose cheaper wigs for rough conditions

It makes sense to buy a wig or two for your gym or pool. Firstly, the hairstyle should match these purposes. You’d better choose a wig with short hair. Secondly, you can opt for less expensive ones as they will be worn out faster. Moreover, the environment does not require perfection. Thus, even if you fail to keep your wig in good shape for a long time, using it for swimming, it will cost less to replace it with a new one.

Read more: Is Human Hair Wigs Right For You? Pros And Cons

Invest in proper wig hair care products

Natural human hair wigs cost quite a lot, and if you want to save and continue their use, opt for the best products on the market. You may consult with your stylist or a seller of wigs about which shampoos, conditioners, and styling products match your wig best. The style and color may influence the choice. You can find products for straight or wavy hair, dark hues, or blond wigs. 

Try new items with advanced formulas, which can add a lot to your wig’s longevity. Do not use traditional shampoos and conditioners, which are able to damage your wig in the long run, making the hair dry and dull.

You can buy several wigs to wear daily on rotation, or you may wear a single wig every day. In any event, you should adhere to certain rules to have a wig like new for a long time. We hope that the above hints will help you to look elegant, neat, and natural in your wig every minute you have it on your head.

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Is Human Hair Wigs Right For You? Pros And Cons then visit our Fashion category.