Valley Seeds : What Are They?

Supply Chain

Last Updated on April 28, 2024 by Umer Malik

Valley Seeds are the diploid perennial ryegrass plant of the Kangaroo valley germplasm. It belongs to the genus Lolium and species perenne. They are dense, low-growing tufted hairless grass. They have multi-layered tillers and a fibrous root system.  

Their leaves are dark green and are smooth and shiny on the lower surface. There are prominent parallel veins on the upper surface and are folded lengthwise about the mid-rib in young shoots. The leaf sheaths beneath are usually tingled pink in color. 

The spikelet has a single glume and more than ten florets per spikelet which are awnless. Their stems grow up to a height of 90cms. 

The anthers of this plant are pale and yellow, and they flower between May and November. 

Other than that, features of the plant are: 

  • It heads very early, and its heading date is 17 days.
  • They mature very early
  • They have a life span around the range of 7 to 10 years. 
  • The seeding rate in dry conditions is 8-14 kgs per hectare.
  • Under high rainfall or irrigation conditions, the seeding rate is 20-25 kgs per hectare.
  • They are dormant in the summer seasons 
  • They are very active in Winter.

The plants are distributed among southern Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and East Central Asia. 

Here are some benefits of this valley seed plant :

  • They are a very beneficial species of grass for fodder and grazing livestock- It is a crucial forage plant and pasture, and it is used in many seed mixes to feed beef and cattle
  • One can use it to stabilize soil and prevent erosion- The valley seeds are planted in all kinds of places because of their property of restoring soil fertility and preventing decay. They are grown on trackways, roadsides, wastelands, riverbanks, and dunes. Soil erosion due to various factors causes loosening of the soil particles as the top layer of the soil is removed; the fibrous root system of valley seeds helps bind back the loose soil particles and restore the fertility of the soil. 
  • They have properties of ease of germination and vigor, which has made it possible to cultivate them in other countries, too – In fertile soils, they produce high yields. 
  • They are suited to dry climatic conditions; hence they don’t need much irrigation.
  • The seed goes down freely. 
  • They are extremely low maintenance; hence anybody can grow them without hassle.
  • They are selected for excellent winter growth.
  • These varieties of grasses are also used in sports pitches, golf courses, lawns, and hard-wearing turf. They are practical, especially in the winter months, as they are resistant to cold temperatures and can regenerate fast.


The  S&W Seed Co has experience of 35 years in producing the finest breed of seeds with superior gene combinations. They are confident about their seed genetics and product quality, guaranteeing satisfactory outcomes. The users of their seeds have given positive feedback about their livestock. So you should try them out for the best experience.