Wonder Tea: An Excellent Beverage For Fans of Lewis Caroll!

Wonder Tea: An Excellent Beverage For Fans of Lewis Caroll!

Last Updated on July 22, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

There’s little doubt about the popularity of the classic tale that is Alice in Wonderland, with characters like the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter and that rabbit that’s always late! The great news for anyone who also loves the natural taste of tea is that there’s now a Wonder Tea from Chado!

Dedicated to the global phenomenon created by Lewis Carroll back in the late 1800s, this blend can be enjoyed equally by adults and children alike. Kids love the beverage, as it’s lovely and sweet – something we’ll get into shortly.

Some Fun Facts About Alice in Wonderland!

To interject a little fun into proceedings here are some facts you probably didn’t know about the book that inspired Wonder Tea. Some might even shock you!

  1. Alice wasn’t actually blonde! Despite being depicted on film as having long blonde locks, the original character was actually a brunette! We told you the facts were shocking!
  2. Lewis Caroll’s name isn’t Lewis Caroll! Another misconception about the book is that it was written by Lewis Caroll. In truth, it was actually written by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, whose pen name was Lewis Carroll.
  3. The story wasn’t well-received at first! Back in 1865, the initial reviews for the book were pretty bad, but by 1898, it had become the best-selling kids’ book in England.
  4. Mock turtle soup isn’t fiction! Our next bombshell is that the mock turtle soup mentioned in the story isn’t fiction! In fact, it was something eaten in Victorian times and it contained zero turtles!
  5. The author made up the word chortle! Before Alice in Wonderland, the word ‘chortle’ (meaning laugh) didn’t exist, as it was completely made up by Carroll.

So, What Does Wonder Tea Taste Like?

As sweet things feature prominently in the Alice in Wonderland story, it’s perhaps not surprising that the tea that’s inspired by it is also nice and sweet. One of the reasons it is so sweet is because it contains Rooibos – a shrub that’s native to the country of South Africa.

Another is that it’s complemented by the addition of caramel and a sweet strawberry flavoring for a taste that’s adored by anyone with a sweet tooth!

Is it Easy to Make?

Absolutely, yes. All that’s required is to boil a kettle and let it sit for 2-3 minutes. Then mix in a single teaspoon of the tea with the near-boiling water in a 6 to 8-ounce cup. Then it’s just a matter of steeping the tea for around 6-7 minutes and adding a little sugar as per your taste.

Why Not Try Some Wonder Tea Today?

So, with all this lovely sweetness and flavor on offer, this Alice in Wonderland inspired drink is one that you should try at some point in your life. The great thing about it – other than the taste – is that it doesn’t come with the usual guilt you get when trying something so delicious.

Read More: Is Organic Green Tea Canada Safe?

There is only one way to see for yourself, and that’s to try it.