When Should You Hire a Green Card Immigration Lawyer?

When Should You Hire a Green Card Immigration Lawyer?

Last Updated on September 16, 2023 by

Today, over 40 million Americans were born in another country, which proves what a melting pot the country is. You yourself might be an immigrant, and you want to make a permanent life in the US.

If you meet all the right conditions, you’ll be able to apply for a Green Card, which is your right for permanent residence.

But do you need an immigration attorney? If so, when?

Read on to find out when you should hire a Green Card immigration lawyer.

How to Get a Green Card?

First, let’s go over what the Green Card application process is like. The good news is, the government doesn’t require that you apply for one.

There are several ways you can be eligible for one, such as through family and employment, or status as a special immigrant, refugee, human trafficking victim, or abuse victim.

If you’re eligible, you can then file Form I-485, which is an application to register permanent residence or adjust status with USCIS. You need to submit supporting documents, as well as pay the fees.

USCIS will go over your application and schedule an interview. After that, you’ll get a Green Card that’s valid for 10 years.

When to Hire Green Card Lawyers?

You’re not required to hire a green card immigration lawyer, and you probably won’t need one if your case is straightforward. However, the law is complicated and tough to navigate on your own, so having the help of an attorney can make things less stressful.

For example, as you’ve seen above, there are many ways to get a Green Card. This means there are different types of immigration forms, costs, and even places to send your documents. And if you miss just one step, piece of paperwork, or do something wrong, then the Green Card application process will be prolonged, or you might even have to start over!

If you don’t have a clean record and/or have had immigration issues in the past, then it’s strongly recommended you hire an immigration attorney. You’ll be found inadmissible by USCIS, so you need a professional who can be your advocate.

Lastly, the government is notorious for delays, and it’s not unheard of for them to mix up paperwork. Your Green Card immigration lawyer can keep them on track so that burden doesn’t lie on your shoulders.

If you want to get started on hiring a Green Card lawyer, then learn more here.

You Should Hire a Green Card Immigration Lawyer

A Green Card immigration lawyer can help immensely, as they can navigate the complicated legal system. Considering you’re dealing with your right to remain in the US, it can be a good idea to hire one, even if your case is pretty simple and straightforward. Having peace of mind will be worth every penny when you get that Green Card in hand!

To keep learning, make sure you take a look at our other blog articles!

Read also: How to Choose the Best Family Green Card Lawyer?