Corporate Uniforms: 4 Top Tips for Always Looking Your Best in the Workplace


Last Updated on January 21, 2024 by Umer Malik

If your organisation supplies you with a uniform to wear in the workplace, count yourself lucky! It saves you the headache of trying to adhere to your office’s dress code when buying your own workwear. And, you don’t have to spend your salary on updating your corporate wardrobe every season!

Wearing a uniform makes you feel professional and neat while feeling part of a team. Dressing in corporate uniforms is also essential if you’re a lawyer, accountant or financial advisor trying to impress your clients. But, how else can you look your best in the workplace when wearing corporate workwear? Read on to find out!

Corporate Uniforms: 4 Top Tips for Always Looking Your Best in the Workplace

1. Get the Best Fabric

Whether you’re a buyer sourcing uniforms for your organisation’s employees or you’re expected to buy your own workwear, make sure you get top-quality garments. This means finding clothing that’s made with good materials that will last you longer, doesn’t crease after a few hours of wear and is comfortable.

The best-quality fabric should be breathable, such as viscose, for those hot summer days while wicking for moisture management also helps keep you cool and dry. Uniforms made with an anti-bacterial finish keep odours at bay while elastane gives you the stretch for added comfort without leaving you looking untidy. Go for merino wool for warmth and softness while still being hard-wearing, giving you a longer lifespan.

2. Choose the Right Fit

Dressing for the corporate workplace means looking professional while adhering to the dress code policy. Wearing tight-fitting clothes is not only inappropriate. It’s also uncomfortable. When choosing the right fit, take into consideration the following:

  • Avoid tight skirts, trousers or shirts that are revealing or highlight bulges you would rather not show off!
  • Jackets and shirts should fit properly at the shoulders. The shoulder seam shouldn’t ride over the edge of your shoulders.
  • Clothing should be the right size so you’re not swimming in oversized uniforms that make you look sloppy.
  • Always wear your tie at just the right length. Otherwise, it will look unprofessional and distracting.
  • Skirts shouldn’t be too short and trousers for men shouldn’t be riding above the ankles.
  • Make sure long sleeves sit properly on the wrist line. If they’re too long, with the cuffs hanging down to your knuckles, you’ll look untidy.

Getting the right fit goes a long way to creating a good impression when you’re dressed for the corporate environment. Before purchasing any workwear item, always check in the mirror that your appearance is neat, thanks to clothes fitting properly.

3. Dress With Care and Make an Effort

Throwing on your workwear at the last minute and rushing out to catch the train to work isn’t going to do much for your appearance. You still need to take care that you look your best. This can be done by making an effort with your overall appearance.

Do the following to ensure you look your best before leaving home:

  • Getting up earlier in the morning gives you more time to pay attention to how you look as you get ready for the day.
  • Pay attention to details such as your accessories, hairdo and makeup. If you have a moustache or beard, keep it neatly trimmed. Don’t forget your nails and keep them neatly manicured at all times.
  • Make sure your footwear is clean and polished. Avoid wearing shoes that have become scuffed from general wear and tear. Wear matching socks and if you’re wearing stockings, make sure there are no ladders.
  • Use a full-length mirror to see how you look from head to toes.

When you take care of your appearance, you’ll automatically look professional. Making an effort requires a little more time at the start of your day. But, it’s worth it in the long run when you arrive at the office knowing you’re looking your best.

4. Dress According to the Seasons

Dressing according to the seasons will also help you look your best in the workplace. If your corporate workwear is formal, you can’t avoid wearing suits. However, in summer choose suits that are made with breathable fabrics and opt for lighter colours to keep cool on hot days. Lightweight fabrics for women workwear keep you looking professional while still being comfortable on warmer days in the office.

Layer properly in the winter months by wearing waistcoats, stylish cardigans and a vest to keep you warm under your shirt. Invest in a good-quality coat that is elegant but comfortable to wear for attending meetings with clients or senior management.

Final Thoughts

Looking your best is essential when working in the corporate sector. Your appearance is often the first impression you create with both colleagues and clients. And, you want to make sure it’s the right impression! Yes, workplace dress codes may be changing, but you’re still expected to look your best. Make the effort and use these top tips so you look good in the corporate environment, which will benefit your career as a whole!

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about 6 Reasons to Dress Right as a Healthcare Professional then visit our Business category.