Difference Between Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training:

Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga

Last Updated on February 11, 2023 by Faiza Murtaza

Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga are the two different forms of yoga practice. Each one has its own purpose, benefits and timing. From the moment a woman becomes pregnant, she can no longer perform or practice the normal form of yoga. There is a special type of yoga that a mother needs to perform. This is specially designed for the woman during pregnancy. Similarly, there is another form of yoga that is aimed at the mothers who just gave birth and is tackling the birth pain.

Both of these forms of yoga have been proven to provide countless benefits for the people. Apart from this, these both are performed at different stages of pregnancy and childbirth. Although the purpose of these both types of yoga is the same, the practice is different. Below is further explanation about prenatal and postnatal yoga differences and how to become a certified teacher in any one of these.

Prenatal Yoga:

Prenatal Yoga is a form of yoga that helps prepare a mother for childbirth and helps her cope with her pregnancy. From the first day of pregnancy, the health of a woman should be greatly taken care of. This is important because pregnancy is a lot difficult. Especially for the first-time mothers to be. Prenatal Yoga allows the pregnant woman to gently stretch, exercise, and prepare her body for the growth of the baby and childbirth.

All this without causing any harm to the baby embryo. The health of the baby is also important and should be kept in mind while doing the practice. For that reason, prenatal yoga was invented. It is a lighter form of yoga that only consists of a few handy yoga poses. That is very easy for a mother to perform during any month of her pregnancy.


Here are some of the benefits of Prenatal Yoga;

  • Prenatal Yoga helps prepare a mother for her child birth.
  • It can help keep the mother and her baby safe during the pregnancy.
  • The Prenatal Yoga practice provides the mother the calm and purity she needs during the pregnancy.
  • It helps in the growth of embryo and helps lower the risks of miscarriage.
  • Prenatal Yoga can help keep the mother busy, to help avoid risks of overthinking and depression of any kind.
  • It helps reduce the pain during the pregnancy.
  • You can get certified in Prenatal Yoga.
  • You can teach it to others.

Who is it for?

It is for any woman who is pregnant and is expecting to have the baby. Even if you recently got pregnant, you should stop the practice of normal yoga and start the practice of Prenatal Yoga. Meanwhile the Prenatal yoga certification and yoga teacher training is for those people who want to become prenatal yoga teachers and trainers. So, if you are looking forward to becoming a prenatal yoga teacher, this is how you can become one.


To become a certified Prenatal Yoga teacher, you will need to complete your Prenatal Yoga teacher training course. At the end of this course, you will be provided with a certification. This certification will allow you to teach it to others as a teacher and trainer.

Postnatal Yoga:

Postnatal Yoga is a form of yoga practice that is only for the woman who just gave birth. It helps in coping with the pain of the after birth. It can help women who just gave birth to quickly return to normal life. It has the power to heal your body in the aftermath of pregnancy. Postnatal yoga consists of only a few structured poses that help your body in the healing process.


Here is the list of a few benefits of Postnatal yoga and postnatal yoga teacher training.

  • Postnatal Yoga helps your body to heal and recover after childbirth.
  • It can help you get back in your previous shape.
  • It can help you become fit once again and lose the weight you gained.
  • The Postnatal Yoga teacher training can help you become a certified yoga teacher.

Who is it for?

The Postnatal Yoga  teacher training is for every woman who wants to learn about how to practice yoga after childbirth. Apart from this, it is also for those people who are looking forward to becoming professional teachers after completing their courses.


To become a certified postnatal yoga teacher, you will need a postnatal yoga teacher training certification. You can get certification after completing the course. It can be between 20 hours to 50 hours long. At the end of the course, you are awarded a certification. You can use this certification to start your own Postnatal yoga center and help the new mothers.


Postnatal and Prenatal yoga are two forms of yoga practice. You can become a certified teacher after completing a 20 hours or 50 hours course in the respective fields.

Apart from that, if you want to know about The Best Yoga Class Near then visit our Lifestyle category.