What Is a Ferry and Why Is It Used? Here Are Some Interesting Details About It

Ferry Boat

Last Updated on June 7, 2023 by

Introduction of ferry

A ferry is a boat used to carry vehicles or passengers across a body of water on a regular basis. Transport can range from small boats that take passengers across a lake, river, or harbor to large sea-going ships, transport large numbers of people, vehicles, and goods across long distances that are heavily loaded. A ferry is technically considered the continuation of a highway between two shorelines.

What is a franchise?

A franchise is a process that is utilized to handle ferries. Ferry franchises are state licenses issued to designated individuals giving them authority to run ferry services. Generally, it is a requirement to establish a public ferry. As the franchising agreement becomes a contract between the owner and the state, the company formation does not relieve the ferry operator from the requirement of obtaining a franchise.

The ferry industry’s size

Ferry, like commercial airlines, transports around 2.1 billion passengers a year, plus 250 million automobiles and 32 million trailers (not involving China).

Regulations for ferry transport

Like the shipping industry, the ferry industry has rigorous safety, environmental, and security regulations. The International Maritime Organization is responsible for drafting international maritime regulations. That nation governs a ship that operates within a particular nation. Many countries have adopted the IMO standards as domestic regulation. Vessel design, establishment, rebuild, process, training, environmental effects, security, and regular survey are all covered by shipping regulations.

Different types of ferries

A ferry’s design is influenced by the route’s length, the capacity needed to transport passengers or vehicles, the speed required, and the water conditions the boat must deal with;

Here few types of ferry are mentioned below;

  • A double-ended ferry
  • Transport by hydrofoil ferry
  • Ferry service on hovercraft
  • Transport via catamaran ferry
  • A turntable ferry
  • The pontoon ferry
  • Transport by train ferry
  • The cable ferry

Victoria to Seattle ferries

The Canadian province of British Columbia’s port of Victoria lies at Vancouver Island’s foot, while in Washington State in the USA, Seattle is the biggest city. The ferry from Victoria to Seattle provides a direct link between Canada and the United States and is run by Clipper Vacations. The best price will provide to you by all ferry companies operating on the Victoria-Seattle route. The email with the booking confirmation for Victoria to Seattle ferry tickets is sent to you once you have picked your sailing and have made your reservation. Most tickets are confirmed instantly.


It is concluded that ferries are an important part of the public transport system in many waterside cities and islands, allowing direct connections between points at a much lower cost than bridges and tunnels.

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about Ferry in turkey (Several ferry routes to Turkey) then visit our Travel category.