Here’s How to Clean Up After A Major Renovation Project

Clean Up After Renovation Project

Last Updated on February 15, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

Renovation is indeed very satisfying. It is a beautiful thing. It gives a whole new look and perspective to the place. It can be considered as something very inspiring. In reality, post-renovation construction cleaning is a tedious and challenging job. Dust, dirt, and debris accumulate everywhere on the site. Cleaning them properly is very important. Deep post-renovation cleaning is as necessary as the renovation itself. In this article, we will talk about how to clean up after renovation project. 

A deep post-renovation cleaning covers all the aspects of construction cleaning. It not only includes the securing of the renovation site but also the safe disposal of the debris.

Vacuuming The Floors And Walls 

This is the first step of post renovation cleaning. Although the workers cover all the furniture and objects with plastic covers, the dust gets embedded somehow. Dust settles and accumulates in the curtains, carpets, upholstery, and ceilings. So it’s necessary to vacuum every nook and corner of the site with the utmost attention. Special care should be taken while vacuuming the curtains, carpets, and furniture. Vacuuming is one of the most important as it involves deep cleaning

Dusting And Wiping 

After vacuuming, you need a thorough dusting and wiping. You need to dust the walls and furniture like tables and cabinets. In the case of precious objects, dust with utmost care. This will remove the excess dust left after vacuuming. 

Wiping will follow after dusting. You must mop the floors with disinfectants in order to maintain the hygiene of the place. While wiping the walls, you should be careful about the paint. After the floors and walls, make sure to polish the moulds and furniture a bit for extensive cleaning.

Cleaning The Air In And Around The Renovation Site

A lot of particulate matter accumulates in the renovation site. This may be very harmful to the workers as well as the residents. So to clean such particulate matter, you must use a high-efficiency particulate air vacuum ( HEPA vacuum) to purify the air. You can also use a commercial air scrubber to get rid of the particulate matter. Using the HEPA vacuum 24/7 while renovation dramatically reduces the threat of dust and particulate matter.

Cleaning the Air Vents And Filters

This constitutes another essential step of the deep post-renovation cleaning procedure. Generally, a lot of dust and various types of chemicals gather in the air vents and filters. You must thoroughly clean the vents with warm, soapy water and disinfectant after removing them. You should positively check the status of the air filters and install new ones if required.

Safe Disposal Of The Debris

This is the last step of the post-renovation cleaning. The disposal depends on the nature, size, and size of the debris. You can also seek the help of a professional construction cleaning service. 


Cleaning up a site after renovation project is undoubtedly not any task. It is necessary to plan your cleaning procedure considering all the factors, including the cost. Following these steps will ease it up a bit for you.

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about Renovating Your House then visit our Home Improvement category.