How Can I Compete in Class 6 IMO Exam

IMO Exam

Last Updated on July 4, 2023 by

There are a total of 6 Olympics that are conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) every year in November or December. The 6 Olympiads are the International General Knowledge Olympiad(IGKO), International Mathematics Olympiad(IMO exam), International English Olympiad(IEO), International Social Science Olympiad(ISSO), National Science Olympiad(NSO), National Cyber Olympiad(NCO). The International Mathematics Olympiad exam or IMO exam is the most popular examination conducted by SOF and it excites the parents and the students both.

Over half a lakh schools participate from 48 countries for the Olympiad exams. A student appearing for the class 6 Olympiad will be introduced to the side of the competitive exams for the first time. The Olympiad prepares the students for future exams as well. Through the Olympiad, a student gets a taste of the competitive world for the first time. It is crafted differently; only the students who are academically strong and the students that want to be academically strong participate in the exam.  

Students are asked to submit 125/- rupees as the registration fees. A student is only allowed to take part in the exam if the school of the applicant is registered under the SOF website. If the applicant is not registered, the application will be terminated instantly. However, the applicants can still apply if they can convince their school authorities to get their school registered. If that school passes the eligibility criteria, then they will be successfully registered. No application at the individual level will be entertained. Applications have to be submitted by the school. So here are a few tips on how to compete in the class 6 Olympiad Examination:

1) Know the exam pattern:

The most important thing to know while appearing for the Olympiad exams is to understand the question pattern. If you do not understand the questions properly, then appearing for these competitive exams becomes difficult. So, the students have to attempt 50 multiple choice-based questions and they have 60 minutes to answer. If a student can score 50% then they are qualified for the next round. There are a total of 2 levels of examinations. The students from class 1 to class 12 are eligible for round 1 of the examination while the students from class 3 to class 12 are eligible for the round 2 or level 2 exam. Only the students from class 1 and class 2 are not eligible to take the level 2 exams. The question pattern is divided into 4 parts. The question paper starts with logical Reasoning and then Mathematical Reasoning and by Everyday Mathematics, students are tested with questions from the school syllabus, and finally the difficulty level increases with the achievers’ section.

2) Know your syllabus:

Knowing the syllabus is the most important thing. Although the syllabus is more or less similar to the NCERT textbooks there are more in-depth concepts that are introduced in the Olympiad’s Syllabus. Once you get to know the syllabus, divide the syllabus into three different categories based on the difficulty level of each chapter. You will enjoy doing certain chapters more, those chapters are your strong points. Make a timetable accordingly. Distribute more time to the chapters that you find difficult and less time to the chapters you find easy. This will help you to keep a tab on your progress.

3) Practice Previous Years Question Papers:

Practice the last 10 years of questions that were asked in the Olympiad exams. While you are at it, solve different sample papers and IMO Sample Paper 1 with Answers For Class 6. As you solve more questions, you become familiar with the concept and the question pattern. Once you get a proper idea about the question pattern, you can go for time management. Solving different sample papers will give you an idea about the difficulty level of the questions and it will also tell you about your academic growth. Do not directly look for the answers. Try to solve a question in the mind first. Brainstorm with yourself and try to find out all the other possibilities of answering it. Look for hints that are hidden in the question. As you grind the question, you get the hints to solve it.

4) Time Management is the key:

Since we are talking about class 6, the most important topic is time management. If a student learns time management at this age, it is going to benefit them a lot in the future. Time management is the most important thing that will help a kid in the exam as well as in life too. A student should have an eye for detail; the exam starts the moment you get the question paper. The time is limited and students should try to find out the questions that are easy to solve. It will give them more time to solve the difficult questions. If a student is not able to solve questions in the given time, it does not matter if they can solve the questions at all.

5) Revision and Practice:

Last but not least is practice and revision. Do not use one book to practice. Follow multiple books, look for a variety of questions online. You will find many questions with different difficulty levels. In case you are searching for study material, look for authentic websites. There you will get a variety of study material at a cheaper rate than the market. Get yourself a good mentor that will help you, when you find it difficult to answer. Make last-minute notes. While making notes, please make sure that you don’t make the notes too long. Notes should be to the point and should help you with the preparations at the last minute.


These are the 5 simple steps, if you follow these 5 simple steps you’re going to crack a good rank in the IMO exam and it will be just a matter of time until you will be filling up the form again for the level 2 exam. The exam is not made for everyone. You should fight for your pride while taking the exam.

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about Tips for Class 6th Math Olympiad then visit our Education category.