A New Way of Learning – Innovative School Models

A New Way of Learning - Innovative School Models

Last Updated on March 20, 2024 by Saira Farman

With every passing year, we see learning methods evolve. Nowadays, teachers all over the planet are using diverse models to engage students more and create as interactive and different environments as possible. The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the main factors that influenced the new teaching models schools have started using in the recent months. Aside from that, new trends and needs have also affected the educational system to develop revolutionary teaching methods that will include a full spectrum of students with different abilities and levels of learning

A flexible learning environment is vital

A flexible learning environment is one of the best innovations in education. Having so many different teaching methods, teachers need to find the best way to use classroom space to everyone’s advantage. One of the ways to improve student learning is to keep rearranging the furniture to accommodate your current teaching needs. The classroom space should be flexible to the degree that it offers students the ability to work with their peers or study alone. Decluttered spaces are essential for providing a calm and enjoyable working environment in collaboration areas. Moving with ease, and communicating clearly without interruptions by the racket, allows students to focus on their schoolwork and achieve excellent results. Innovative teaching methods will create a fluid classroom and offer flexibility to support group discussions, independent thinking, collaboration and one-to-one learning.

All learners in one place

One of the innovative school methods focuses on students’ wishes, allowing them to choose the environment where they feel comfortable learning. Students should be able to pick if they want to study on their own or in a group. Some students will feel more comfortable doing the work on their own, while others will feel stronger and more confident if they are a part of a group. Teachers who manage to offer both options will see better results during final exams. Focusing on activities that inspire and awake interest in students is vital for their progress and will to learn more. 

Online learning is the new reality

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, we saw the emergence of digital learning. From browsing online libraries to teaching online courses. Now that we’ve been through 2 years of online teaching due to social distancing, we can see that new remote teaching models will be more than possible – they’ll be a necessity. Students have a variety of ways to access information needed for their exams and degree papers. Many universities worldwide offer the convenience of their online study notes, allowing students to access the needed information regardless of the part of the world they’re in. If you study at the University of Manchester, you can find a wide range of Manchester materials online. That will enable you to learn without interruption, even if you are visiting your family on a different continent. Online courses at the leading universities in the world are available for students worldwide. In only a few clicks, you can become an Oxford university student and acquire a degree even if you’re not physically present at the university’s grounds.

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School models around the world

The Netherlands accepts the technological advancements

The Netherlands is one of the first countries to have accepted the future of education. Namely, eleven “iPad Schools” or “Steve Jobs Schools” were opened across the country, allowing students to use the most innovative gadgets as learning tools. Instead of chalkboards, notebooks and pens, they will learn on iPads and apps. Contrary to popular belief, technology in the classroom doesn’t have to be a distraction. Every student has access to their own iPad, allowing them to effectively receive one-to-one tuition and put their creativity to the best use. Children in those schools are grouped into two age brackets, one for students aged four to seven and the other for students aged eight to twelve.

Canada and the UK approve sleeping in

In recent years, the United Kingdom and Canada have nothing against students being up to 25 minutes late to the morning class. Instead of allowing them to fuel up with caffeine and show up agitated to class, teachers in UK schools permit students to show up, up to 25 minutes after the beginning of the class. As a result, students’ attendance rate increases, and their productivity rises too. 

Finland’s leading teaching method

Did you know that Finland is the leading European country when it comes to education systems? Their students have the highest rate of attending college after secondary school due to their innovative teaching models. Namely, in Finland, students don’t have to do their homework until they reach their teen years. For the first six years of their education, Finnish students are not tested, at all, keeping them away from the pressure of being the best or the fear of failing early in their education. Another advantage of their education system is that children of all abilities are taught in the same class. That way, those less academically gifted learn from the cleverer ones. 

Innovation in education is more visible than ever. With technology and the pandemic’s influence, teachers across the world will continue to improve their teaching methods and find new ways to offer students the best educational experience.

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