The Difference Between Research Questions & Hypothesis

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Last Updated on March 1, 2023 by admin

No student wants to loose his grade by messing up his research project, yet some end up with bad grades – just because they didn’t get the basics right.

Research Questions and hypotheses are the foundation of your dissertation which means you have to get them both right – and for that, it is crucial for you to understand the differences between them. But before gettting into the differences, you know what exaclty is a research hypothesis and a research question.

What Is A Hypothesis?

Students write a prediction when they want to showcase the relationship between two variables. It can be considered as an educated guess about what may happen in the research. You should use hypothesiswritingwhen there is enough information available on the subject of your dissertation as it is created based on existing knowledge.

After you have developed the hypothesis you can start with the development of data, its analysis, then you can use these to support or negate the hypothesis.

Remember your dissertation will have a hypothesis if you have used experimental quantitative research. They come in handy when a student wants to test a specific theory or a model. To complete your hypothesis you should be including variables, population, and the predicted relationship between the variables.

You can use different hypotheses depending on your document, such as:

Simple hypothesis:

A simple hypothesisincludes a single independent and dependent variable shows only focuses on a single relation factor between them. For example: Consuming too much caffeine will lead to addiction. Here theindependent variable is the amount of caffeine taken and the dependent variable is addiction.

One Directional Hypothesis:

A directional hypothesis is a prediction you make regarding the positive or negative change, relations, or difference between two variables.

for example, Pople who consume less caffeine will be less likely to get addicted.

Keywords that distinguish the directional hypothesis from simple hypothesis:

  • Higher/lower
  • More/less
  • Increase/decrease

Null Hypothesis:

Often donated as H0, the Null hypothesis shows that your variables have no relationship in between them. For example, the Consumption of Caffeine will not cause addiction.

What is a Research Question?

The research question is a question that you set out to answer. Your dissertation can have multiple research questions.  The research methodology tools used to gather data and everything that follows up, all depend on your research question. It’s better to be absolutly sure about your research question and you are not you might find some good Research Proposal Help Uk, just browse around.

Research questions are mostly used when the research requires qualitative data, which seeks to answer the open-ended questions. You can also use them in quantitive studies as well, according to the requirement of your dissertation.

Research questions are used in place of hypothesis when there is not enough data available to conduct the research on and determine outcomes beforehand. When a research question allows you to research upon more open-minded ideas, a wider range of topics can be recorded.

Types Of Research Questions:

Qualitative Research Questions:

These types of questions can be divided into three sub-categories, for instance:

Exploratory Questions:

These questions are designed to understand more about the topic, therefore are called exploratory questions. These questions help you learn about the topic without being baised as you approach the questions from all perspectives.

For example: How do students generally spend their weekends?

  • Servey question: what do you do on the typical weekend?

Predictive Questions:

 These questions present you with the future outcome. These questions use past data to predict the reactions to hypothetical events.

For example: Are people more likely to buy a product after it is promoted by a celebrity?

Interpretive Questions:

If your topic is based on research that is conducted in a natural setting then these are the ones interpreting how a group makes sense of mutual experiences and attributes leading to multiple phenomena. With these questions, you can gather feedback on a group’s actions without affecting the outcome.

How do high-schoolers in a play-based program react to the transitions between activities?

Quantitative Research Question:

These types of questions can be divided into two subcategories:

Descriptive Questions:

Descriptive questions explain “when, where why, or how” something has occurred. They use data and statistics to elaborate on an event.

For example: What percentage of highschool students go through depression during their final year?

Comparative Questions:

These questions help you compare one factor with another. These comparative questions are usually useful when your dissertation involves studying groups with dependent variables.

For example: Why is it easier for teens to lose weight than it is for adults?

Relationship-Based Questions:

These questions help you to know how one variable affects another. If your dissertation involves quasi-experimental conditions, then you are required to use these types of questions.

For example: How does the number of rainy days in a year affect a region’s likelihood for flooding?

Differences Between Research Question And Hypothesis

Now that you have a basic understanding of what research questions and Hypothesis, you can gain further insight about them by knowing the differences between them.

 HypothesisResearch Questions
  Nature  The hypothesis is predictive.  Research Questions are prying in nature.  
  Purpose  An unconfirmed prediction about the relationship between two or more variables.    A question the researcher sets to answer.
  Research methods  Experimental Quantitative research.  Can be used for both quantitative and qualitative data gathering.  
    Outcomes  The hypothesis does not allow you to give a wide range of outcomes    In research questions, you are allowed to give a wide range of outcomes.
    Conclusion  You will conclude if your hypothesis is correct or incorrect based on the findings.    Here you can answer the research question followed by its findings.


The basics and the differences between hypothesis and research question have been explained to you. If, fior any reason, you still find yourself struggling to draft your research questions and hypotheses, you can utilize any Dissertation Writing Services Uk near you or whichever sort of assistance suits you the best.