The 5 Different Methods Of Marketing


Last Updated on January 21, 2024 by Umer Malik

Strategize. Marketing is a strategy when it comes to business in which you are to promote, sell, create multiple types of service, and even advertise your own product. It is an act of persuading your customers, to buy goods, and make them your consumers. It’s an act of sale and pays, you distribute the goods given, and they scan the goods if they’re delivered in a good condition, or could be bought from one place itself.

Digital Marketing

This type of marketing is what seems to be common and famous nowadays, especially since most business has been done online for pandemic reasons. Digital marketing is all about advertising products and materials through digital channels such as social media sites, emails, applications, communication lines, and more. Most marketers like these are attentive when it comes to social details, having extensive knowledge of how media works, and how to gain the target audience’s attention.

It is not something that would seem easy, but also not that hard.  In being a Digital marketer, you would have to be someone who is good at making online marketing content, sounding persuasive towards the consumers and buyers, analyzing data and statistics when needed, and highlighting the unusual skills that could be useful in the business.

Affiliate Marketing

It is an arrangement in which a company remunerates third-party publishers to lead and sell the company’s products and services. An example of affiliate marketing is when you run a content site and become an affiliate partner of your preferred web hosting platform. Yet skills matter in this position, to become one like an affiliate marketer you must be someone relevant with google keywords, can send products and services to influencers and big social media people, can join multiple networks and events, can use SEO tools, etc.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

It is a method commonly applied on Facebook and Google, in which they promote and advertise contents to help the company, and add them to the top search engines. It is also a structured way to spend marketing dollars.  An example of this type of marketing is Google Ads or Google Adwords, which is a primary search network that reaches multiple target audiences.  But Search Engine Marketing is classified into two, we have Search engine optimization (SEO) and (PSA) Paid Search Advertising.  A quick and easier understanding of SEM is that they pay multiple sites such as search engine sites, for works and files to pop up in the search engine bars and all over the internet.

Organic marketing

It is a form of marketing strategy in which they create blog posts, case studies,  Facebook updates, and unpaid tweets that generate traffic for the business.  It is providing social media activities without being paid, engaging with multiple people, it might be friends, fans, online mutual, followers,s and more. To be an organic online marketer, you must be active on every social media site you do have, Learn to create different guest posts, Make contents that people would love to interact with, make you seem approachable to others, and be open to a friend circle.

Inbound Marketing

A business strategy in which you are to create any type of valuable content that would reach the target audience of your choice.  An example of this is Canva, an editing application. In which they prepare multiple templates of different kinds such as posters, letters, resumes, and more for people to choose and work with. It was also stated that samples like web design, conversational marketing tools, email campaigns, and more are most likely to be a type of inbound marketing strategy.


Marketing is all about methods and strategies, differences are seen and observed yet the exact purpose and goal for all marketing types are the same, to reach the target audience and earn money from it.

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Improve Your Insurance Marketing Strategy then visit our Technology category.