Five things to do with your pet when you are planning a vacation

Planning a vacation

Last Updated on April 24, 2024 by admin

Do you also sulk at the idea of leaving your sweet pet at home while going on a vacation? You don’t have to anymore when you can take your pet along with you when planning a vacation.

Packing luggage and utilities is the most hectic task you usually land upon when planning a vacation. It entirely depends upon the type of trip and the destination. Taking your pet with you on a vacation trip can be a whole lot more challenging if not planned properly.

Your furry friend also needs proper packing, and along with that you are supposed to take care of them while travelling. Travelling with pets means putting extra consideration along the way; it might even require more planning to go out for a vacation with your cute little pet.

So here are five things to do with your pet when you are planning a vacation with them:

●     Consult your vet –

Before going on a vacation, consulting your vet is the most important thing. Consulting your vet is the best thing you should do for your pets. Your vet can inform you of any issues with your pet’s health beforehand. Before planning your trip, your vet can tell you if you should take your pet out or not with you for vacation.

You should mention the details of your holidays. They can also tell you how you should carry your pet, whether you should opt for by road, by air or by other means of transportation for your travel. Your vet can also provide insight on any vaccinations your pet may need before your trip and can administer them. Pet insurance companies like Bivvy may reimburse you for vaccination costs depending on your coverage plan.

If they feel that you should not take your pet with you, they might suggest you hire a pet sitter or any other facility that may foster care for your pet.

●     Type of travel-

Choose your travel type; make sure to choose the means of travelling that should best suit your pet by all means. You know your pet the best; some pets enjoy road trips, and some suck at it. Most pets can tolerate aeroplane journeys. The type of travel can be decided by the temperament of your pet.

●     Carrier pet carrier-

Taking your pet by the road can allow them to sit and feel cosy on your lap. They can enjoy sightseeing trips right from your lap. This can be chosen if you are taking your pet by road or train, but if the journey is longer, then carry a pet carrier that is soft and cosy. It should have a blanket and pillow for your pet, and you can also put their favourite toy. It would make them feel at home even when they are outside.

If you are taking your pet via plane, then there are specific rules about the carrier they must be carried. Some airlines allow you to carry your pet in the Cabin in a soft carrier, whereas pets must be transported in a cargo hold on some airlines. Keep a check on specific rules and regulations about the mandated carriers like the dimensions, weight and material of the carrier. Some private jet charters have more relaxation, and your pet will feel free and comfortable. Private jets also give your pet the chance to have their seat.

●     Take out them for breaks-

Road trips can be tedious for your pets. Do not forget to take breaks in between. Dogs and cats are not habituated to sitting still for long hours. It is recommended to have them down in the car and walk a little, and it would help your pet relieve itself. The monotonous journey can put your pets in a bad mood, so make sure to carry their favourite toys and give them a play break in between the journey.

Pets also need to pee in between the trip, so stop your car often so that both you and your pet can relieve yourself. While travelling by plane, follow their specific toileting rules and feeding instructions to check your pets during the air journey.

●     Pack their utilities-

Prepare a checklist of items to carry as you would have prepared for yourself. Prepare a utility bag separately for them. Their utility stuff may include these items:-

  • Dog’s bed and blanket
  • Growing utilities such as brush;
  • Stuffed toys;
  • Food and feeding guides;
  • Water dish;
  • Leash and harness;
  • Treats and goodies;
  • Disposal bags to dispose of waste;
  • Medications prescribed for your pets.

You can also buy cat supplies at PET stocks. You can find every item necessary to travel with your pet, over here.

Make sure your pet carries an ID for identity detection. It can happen that you might miss them somewhere in a foreign place, stranger places can make your pets startle, and they might run away. Since they cannot tell their identity on their own, you can always keep them well-identified by attaching an ID containing your name and contact number to their collar.

You can also ask your vet to implant a chip in them so that you can easily track them.

Lastly, allow yourself to fully relax with your furry friends and have a great time vacating yourself.

Apart from that, if you want to know about A Trip To The Amazon Rainforest then visit our Travel category.